SVG Donut Charts

Adobe Edge animation


How to resize symbol instances

How to add more symbol instances

How to remove symbol instances

Variables explained

How to change the icons

Multiple Compositions in a page

Trigger animation when the window is scrolled to Edge Animate file position

Publishing from Edge Animate

SVG files require proper web server MIME-type configuration

Notes on Internet Explorer



6 Edge Animate projects (+16 additional examples) with animated SVG Donut Charts for infographics, statistics, dashboard charts and other data visualisations.

How to resize symbol instances

  1. Open .an file (with Edge Animate)
  2. Click on the layer with instance you want to resize, “box1” for example.
  3. In “Properties” panel change the width/height from 300px to the new one (you'll find controllers under the “Position and Size” section).
  4. Save the file.

How to add more symbol instances

  1. Open .an file (with Edge Animate)
  2. Select “Group” layer, right click, choose “Ungroup Elements”
  3. From Library Panel drag the “box” symbol on the Stage. Increase the number in symbol instance's name (for example “box4”)
  4. Edit array “elements” below. Remove // in the commented line. Open Code window for that (top menu > Window > Code)
  5. Change variables' values in “elements” according to your needs
  6. Select all box instances on Stage and group them. Make sure the group is named “Group” (not “Group2” or anything else).

Note: The amount of “box...” symbol instances on Stage and number of elements in array “elements” must be the same. The “box” instances must be grouped to center-align them horizontally.

How to remove symbol instances

  1. Open .an file (with Edge Animate)
  2. Select “Group” layer, right click, choose “Ungroup Elements”
  3. Delete symbol's instance from the Stage (for example “box3”)
  4. Remove “elements” array's line that contains “box3” (for example). Open Code window for that (top menu > Window > Code)
  5. Select all box instances on Stage and group them. Make sure the group is named “Group” (not “Group2” or anything else).

Note: The amount of “box...” symbol instances on Stage and number of elements in array “elements” must be the same. The “box” instances must be grouped to center them horizontally.

Variables explained

All the variables you can safely modify and play with are listed between two commented lines with text “VARIABLES SETUP”. Below comes every variable explained.

Values stored in “elements” array are chart individual, for example you can set different numbers, text, colors etc. for every chart. Variables set outside the “elements” array contain global properties for different charts (and so set same properties). Note that some variables might be absent in particular project.

instance String

Name of the "box" symbol instance on the Stage. For example: "box1"

numbers Array of numbers

1st number - full value. For example: 100

2nd number - value relative to full value. For example: 50

numbers2nd Array of numbers

Same as with “numbers”, but for the second donut. In the projects with two donuts.

numberColor String

Color of the number. For example: "#222"

numberColors Array of strings

1st string - color of the first number. For example: "3081b9"

2nd string - color of the first number. For example: "49dbe8"

numberText String

The additional text for the numbers (on the right side). For example: "%" or "" (blank)

numberTexts Array of strings

1st string - additional text for the first number (on the right side). For example: "%" or "" (blank)

2nd string - additional text for the second number (on the right side). For example: "%" or "" (blank)

donutColors Array of strings

1st string - the color gradient starts. For example: "3081b9"

2nd string - the color gradient stops. For example: "49dbe8". Use the same as 1st string if you want to get flat color.

donut2ndColors Array of strings

Same as with “donut2ndColors”, but for the second donut. In the projects with two donuts.

icon String

The character from icon font the icon is mapped to. For example: "a". More on that here

iconColor String

Color of the icon. For example: "#3081b9"

text String

Text for the chart. For example: "Coffee"

textColor String

Color of the text. For example: "#222"

chartDiameter Number

Diameter of chart

For example: 80

donutStroke Number

Donut stroke width

For example: 20

fullDonutStroke Number

Full donut stroke width

For example: 20

fullDonutColor String

Full donut stroke color

For example: "#f1f1f1"

donutStrokeLinecap String

“round” for donut with rounded ends, “butt” for straight ending donuts. Value for SVG “stroke-linecap” CSS property.

For example: "butt", "round"

circlePortion Number

Portion of the circle. “100” makes full circle, “50” makes half of the circle, and so on.

percentage from 0 to 100

chartRotate Number

Rotate the chart (in degrees)

from -360 to 360

animationDirection String

“CW” makes animation go clockwise, “CCW” - counterclockwise

For example: "CW" or "CCW"

animationDuration String

Donut animation duration. Value for CSS property “animation-duration”

For example: 1s, 0.5s, 350ms

animationEasing String

Donut animation easing. Value for CSS property “animation-timing-function”. You can get more easing functions here:

For example: linear, ease, ease-out, ease-in, ease-in-out, cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)

numberTextSize Number

The size of additional text for the numbers (on the right side). Percentage of number's “font-size”.

percentage from 0 to 100

numberTextOpacity Number

The opacity of additional text.

from 0 to 1

ruler Boolean

“true” shows ruler's stripes, “false” hides it. Other ruler variables (below) work only if this value is set to “true”.

One of these: true or false

rulerSegments Number

The amount of segments the ruler is divided into.

For example: 24

rulerThickness Number

Ruler's bar thickness.

For example: 22

rulerColor String

The color of ruler's dashes.

For example: "#fff"

rulerDashThickness Number

The thickness of ruler's dashes.

Any positive number, For example: 1, 2.5, 10, and so on.

rulerLineCap String

“butt” for straight dashes, “round” for rounded. Value for SVG “stroke-linecap” CSS property. Defines how the ends of an SVG line is rendered

For example: "butt", "round"

rulerDashOffset Number

Reposition the ruler for fine-tuning if needed.

Negative and positive numbers. For example: 0, 5, -5

rulerScaleFactor Number

Scale the ruler element. Larger than “1” - increases, smaller than “1” - decreases it.

For example: 1

rulerHideFirstLast Boolean

“true” hides the first and the last ruler's dash, “false” shows all the dashes.

One of these: true or false

rulerOpacity Number

The opacity of ruler element.

from 0 to 1

legendTitles Array of strings

Text below the chart tied to the number.

1st string - first title. For example: "September"

2nd string - second title. For example: "October"

makeBiggerValueBold Boolean

Highlight bigger value with bold text.

One of these: true or false

donutStrokeBigger Number

Stroke width of the donut that shows bigger number.

For example: 20

numberColorNegative String

Color of the number with negative value.

For example: "#f71539"

donutColorsNegative Array of strings

Color of the donut with negative number.

1st string - the color gradient starts. For example: "3081b9"

2nd string - the color gradient stops. For example: "49dbe8". Use the same as 1st string if you want to get flat color.

donut2ndScale Number

Scales the second donut relatively to the first. If set “1”, the diameters of the both are the same. If set “2”, the second donut's diameter is two times bigger.

For example: 1.2, 1, 2


The stroke of the second donut.

To make same width as the first donut: donutStroke/donut2ndScale

6 times smaller stroke example: donutStroke/donut2ndScale/6

2 times bigger stroke example: donutStroke/donut2ndScale*2

How to change the icons

All project files use icon fonts generated with “Fontastic” – free online icon font generator. To change the icons you need to make your own icon font – the process is simple with “Fontastic”.

Create the icon font:

  1. Create your free “Fontastic” account.
  2. Login into
  3. Step SELECT: Select the icons you'd like to use.
  4. Click “Modify Font” menu link and change “Font Name” to icon-font.
  5. Step CUSTOMIZE: Map the icons to characters you'll use in Edge Animate project. Use characters “a”, “b”, “c” – these characters are used in projects.
  6. Step PUBLISH: click DOWNLOAD button to get your icon font.

Replace the icon font:

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Copy the folder “fonts” and “styles.css” to project folder “icons” – replace the files.
  3. Refresh the .html file and you'll see the new icons.

Note: If you've mapped other characters than “a”, “b”, “c”, you'll need to change the code in .an file:

  1. Open .an file.
  2. Open Code window from main menu: Window > Code.
  3. Look for Stage > document.compositionReady on the left sidebar.
  4. In “elements” array look for values in “character” properties – these should be the characters you've mapped the icons to. Change them to the ones your icon font is using.

Multiple Compositions in a page

To get multiple compositions in a page the HTML and JS file need to be hand-edited per the following instructions:

1. Duplicate these 3 files and add the "2" in the filename:




2. Change composition ID in them. Open these 3 new files in code editor and replace string EDGE-1404005 to EDGE-1404006 in all of them.

3. Edit the new Preload JS file. Additionally edit two lines in donut_charts_edgePreload2.js to point to the new files:

{ load: "donut_charts_edge.js"},

{ load: "donut_charts_edgeActions.js"}];

4. Edit HTML file to include two compositions

Note: It is important to rename the stage IDs in the HTML markup with a unique name to avoid conflicts.

So the final HTML will look like this:

Each donut_charts_edgePreload.js file causes the definition for a single composition to be included in the page. You can include multiple compositions by including multiple composition preload JS files:

<!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="donut_charts_edgePreload.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="donut_charts_edgePreload2.js"></script>

<!--Adobe Edge Runtime End-->

Each composition requires a stage Element to attach to:

<div id="Stage" class="EDGE-1404005"></div>

<div id="Stage2" class="EDGE-1404006"></div>

donut_charts_edgePreload.js has the composition ID set to EDGE-1404005 at the end of the file:
})(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-1404005");

donut_charts_edgePreload2.js has the composition ID set to EDGE-1404006 at the end of the file:
})(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-1404006");

Note: Additionally examples with multiple compositions are included in the folder examples / multiple_compositions

Trigger animation when the window is scrolled to Edge Animate file position

Note: working example is included in examples/trigger-animation-onScroll folder.

If you want the animation to show up when the window is scrolled down, so that the whole div is vissible you have to:

  1. Open JS file with title ending _edge.js
  2. Find the line Edge.launchComposition(compId);
  3. Replace with this:
    var elem = $('.ID_OF_YOUR_STAGE');  /*--- replace ID_OF_YOUR_STAGE with your real id ---*/
    function isScrolledIntoView(elem) { /*--- Check if the div is in the vieport of the screen ---*/
    	var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop();
    	var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height();
    	var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top;
    	var elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height();
    	return ((elemBottom >= docViewTop) &&
    	(elemTop <= docViewBottom) &&
    	(elemBottom <= docViewBottom) &&
    	(elemTop >= docViewTop));
    function isScrolled() {
    	if (isScrolledIntoView(elem)) {
    		Edge.launchComposition(compId); /*--- Run The animation ---*/
    $(window).on("scroll", isScrolled);
  4. Save the file.

You can find the ID_OF_YOUR_STAGE in the same _edge.js file in the last line, for example: })(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-1404005");. In this case the ID would be EDGE-1404005

Note: To avoid triggering animation before the whole div is fully vissible you have to set its width and height. Open HTML file and add CSS properties, for example:

<div id="Stage" class="EDGE-1404005" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>

Publishing from Edge Animate

After you've done editing in Edge Animate, publish the project files:

  1. From main menu: File > Publish
  2. Project files are published into publish folder

Projects in the package use Adobe Content Distribution Network (CDN) Hosting to speed up Animate composition delivery.

CDN Hosting

Compositions using the Adobe CDN all share a single URL for jQuery and the Edge Runtime. The browser caches the runtime, so the user only downloads the library once no matter how may Animate compositions they view, even if compositions are on different sites and produced by different authors.

Don't use the CDN if your composition needs to run without an Internet connection or if you want to use your own hosting exclusively.

SVG files require proper web server MIME-type configuration

If SVG files don't show up on web, the server doesn't serve MIME types for SVG files correctly. You should configure server appropriately. There are several ways to do it, depending upon the server type, and your access to server settings.

For example, in Apache server it's done by editing .htaccess configuration file that is hidden - make sure your FTP client shows hidden files. If your server does not have such a file, create a file and name it “.htaccess”, and associate the SVG file extensions with the correct MIME Type; if the file already exists, you can simply add the correct entries to it. The particular line you should add are:

AddType image/svg+xml svg

The .htaccess file should be placed in the directory that contains the SVG file, or any parent directory.

More on this subject:

Notes on Internet Explorer

Although IE9+ browsers support CSS3 transforms and animations, they don't support them on SVG elements. So IE9+ browsers will show the final static SVG file (exactly the same as in other modern browsers) but without animation.


Icons from “Font Awesome” set made by Dave Gandy (The MIT License).

Icon fonts generated with “Fontastic” – free online icon font generator.

Images are taken from (Public Domain CC0 license).

The projects were produced using Adobe Edge Animate CC version 3.0.